Batch Statements

Use the Batch Statements function to set up print parameters for a group of statements in a single record. For example, you can set up similar statements for different companies, add them to a batch, and then select the batch ID to print all of them at one time. You must Build Statements that you want to include before you use the Batch Statements function.

Creating Batch Statements

  1. Click the New button, on the toolbar, to open a blank batch statement record.
  2. Enter a new batch ID in the Batch ID field.
    Note: To copy batch statements information from a similar record for a new batch statements record, select the existing batch statements record from the Copy From field.
  3. Enter a description for the batch statements in the Desc field.
  4. Enter a sequence number for the statement in the Seq No field. If you do not enter a sequence number the numbers will automatically by assigned in increments of 10.
  5. Select a statement ID to include in the batch from the Stmt ID field. The Statement Name, Content ID, and Layout ID are displayed.
  6. Click the Detail button, if necessary, to specify the selected row's information or to enter information about new rows.
  7. Click the Save button, on the toolbar, to save the new batch statement.

Departmental Statements

To produce a batch of statements by department follow these steps:

  1. Using the Statements function, make a statement for each department with a unique statement ID.

    Set up a template statement ID, maybe the statement for the whole company, and copy from that template for each department. Edit the heading information where needed.

    NOTE: Each statement used in the batch MUST have a unique statement ID. When batch statements are printed, a reporting services report is created using the statement ID as the report name. If you have duplicate statement ID’s in a batch the first statement will be overwritten when the same statement ID is printed again and you will lose the information made from the first statement with that statement ID.

  2. Set up a Batch ID to put all of your departmental statements into.
  3. Add each departmental Statement ID in the order you want them printed and go to the detail view for each statement.
  4. For each statement select the Department segment ID in the filter criteria area, using the segment fields, for each statement selecting the corresponding department for each statement.
  5. Once all statements have been entered and department IDs selected, close the screen to save your changes.

Editing Batch Statements

  1. Select a cash flow contents record to edit from the Batch ID field.
  2. Edit the fields as necessary.
  3. Click the Save button, on the toolbar, to save any changes made to the batch statement record.

Deleting Batch Statements

  1. Select the cash flow content record to delete from the Batch ID field.
  2. Click the Delete button, on the toolbar, to delete the selected batch statement record.
  3. Click Yes at the "Are you sure you want to delete selected record(s)?" prompt.

Produce a Batch Statements List

Use the Batch Statements List function to produce a list of defined batch statement IDs.

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